Friday, August 14, 2009

Return of the Giants: Jarl's Revenge

Ok, by now everyone knows about dark sun, everyone who runs a d&d related blog is talking about it. This is the only statement your seeing from me about this. They also announced Against the Giants :)

Against the giants was one of my most favorite adventure series to run for my players its kinda been a tradition to run it every few years. Now next year around this time Jarl will have his revenge. The fun of the game as the sheer difficulty of it, not everyone could finish it and you would always carry woulds you would remember for a long time.

If your not familiar with it, the Against the Giants is a set of three adventures written by the late great Gary gygax published in the late 70's. Wizards was quick to release update rules for 3rd edition and I'm glad that they are going to give it the focus it needs to.

I'm not 100% sure but if i am correct this adventure series was the first to intrude drow, which have been such a big part of d&d in the last 20 years. Everyone knows someone who tried to make a drizzit clone, i find it more fun to actual play an evil drow.

I'm curious to see how they plan on working the adventure using the 4e system. Originally these were kind of a dungeon crawl setup which in my mind doesn't work as well in 4e. Size was always a big issue in previous editions but after seeing what my players can do by level 12 I'm not sure it will be that big of a deal. I know if wizards is releasing this module, then miniatures should be out around the same time. In packs of course.

G1 Steadying of the Hill Giant Chief

Giants have been raiding towns, and the human rules are so upset they are hiring out adventures to punish and stop the giants. The players beginning to learn about an unknown force behind the different giant tribes binding together. For the most part the players fight in the lair.

G2 Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl

The players are teleported here by some magic chain and they begging to learn more about the force behind the great alliance. This adventure uses harsh winter lands and caves for the encounters. I think there is even a remorhaz.

G3 Hall of the fire giant king

basically if the players chose to pull a switch in the last adventure they are teleported here, still trying to find out why the giant tribes are working together. You also get to explore three different areas and this is the adventure that introduces the drow.

After finishing everything Gygax had another series the players could play, the D series and tangle with the drow on the drows terms.

My all time favorite has to be G1, and i can't wait to run it again for my players. I've even considered a few times trying to convert everything myself.

July sees the Demonomicon as well as the next super-adventure following Against the Giants: 4th Edition's Tomb of Horrors!

To everyone at GenCon keep having fun.

Until next time keep our dice on the table.

Keep in mind you have until monday August-17-09 to enter in our contest

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