Yesterday i previewed Glorinus Male Human Invoker, today I'll focus on a new character and talk a bit about what you should bring to your local game day.
If you were at the players handbook game day, then you'll know there were dice, each table had a set of dice. These dice were absent at monster manual 2 game day, and again are not going to be showing up in this game day. Fact is I'm sure dice are something that needed to have been cut to keep the cost down while they focused elsewhere.
This is where you game stores out there hosting the event can shine a little. Offer a set of dice up at each table, then at the end of the night give someone a chance to win them. This gets you more involved with the players.

Be sure to support your friendly local gaming store and bring some money to purchase snacks, drinks and books. I'm a firm believer that if players support their gaming store, the gaming store does the same to them and hosts more and more free events. So pickup your book on game day from your store.
All players should bring some pencils, paper, and dice. This is core to any game, you can play any role playing with these 3 items alone. It also can't hurt to bring a spare blank character sheet, and a players handbook.
Dungeon Masters
If your planing on being a dungeon master at the event be sure to bring all the core stuff that players are bringing and whatever you feel comfortable with bringing from the organizer section below. Its also a good idea to bring a dungeon master screen, since it will have the core information you need.
As an organizer you have a lot of work to do, you're aware of this and that's what you've signed up for, i find the more you put into something like this the more you get out, so here are some things that i plan on doing that you might want to think about as well.
Spare dice - keep some extra ones kicking aroundSpare miniatures - again bring in some form home and label them in advanceExtra Rules - Don't forget to photocopy the rules page in advance, wotc only gave out 2 setsPaper - bring some paper and ask players to write down contact information for youName Tags - Name tags are great, have players either use their own name, or their players nameDCI cards - be sure to bring enough for everyone, and write down information for yourself in case players lose it in the future.Markers - I have a set of bloodied/status markers that i plan on bringingBurst Templates - again i will be bringing my burst templates, never knowInitiative - ah, initiative, when not using IniTracker, i use this Printable DM. Feel free to print off a bunch for the event. I've since lost the original URL. Start Rules - Its great to have a copy on hand for new players to review, and great way to get them into the edition by giving this away for free.
Overall I'm excited it seems like fun and i can't wait.
Lets take a look at Naivara now

Well there you have it
My Game Day is being held at Alternate IconsNoon until 6pm
Tomorrow I'll talk about DMing tips to keep in mind for the game day.
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