Yesterday i previewed Holkarn Male Halfling Barbarian, today i'll focuse on a new character and talk abit about the uniqueness of thsi game day.
In previous game days you would form your party, learn a bit about your characters and then run up to four encounters. I was a player for the PHB2 game day, and felt the DM was out to get me, this is when i decided to get my WPN and run the game day for MM2, it turned out to be a huge success ( ok for a city that can only support 1 gaming store) I got some people from a local gaming community and a guy who played d&d back in the day and was looking for some fun.

The diffrents is for the first our of game day, your group will be building the adventure. Thats right, you get to sit down as a group and use the maps & minitures to build two encounters for another group. I can see it already groups will try and trick eachother and make something that is killer.
Its not all just combat, in fact WotC recomends spending the first 10 minutes deciding the backstory and theme to the adventure, why are the players there to begin with. Everything is broken down to steps roughly 4 steps in total, from building the encounters to writting down encounter descriptions and what the DM will say when the players enter the area.
Overall im excited it seems like fun and i can't wait.
Lets take a look at Glorinus now (what a name)

Well there you have it
Tomorow i'll review with you a list of things you should bring to your game day event.
My Game Day is being held at Alternate IconsNoon until 6pm
Until game day keep your dice on the table.
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