Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Saturday Night Challenge: A New beginning.

Saturday Night Challenge is a new test project I'm working on. The goal is to have a fun combat oriented online game. I know we can do lots of great RP stuff but i wanted to focus on combat because its simple, easy and lets us really test out the system.

Each week i will have a small dungeon programed in maptools, and at 9pm est will start the server. Players will have 30 minutes to join, at 9:30 Initiative is rolled. Then players must try and clear out the entire area in 100 minutes (just over an hour and a half). Any remaining players will then be ranked on number of healing surges remaining & number of monsters remaining.

I will be using RPTools to host t
he game, please ensure you can download the software and get it running before hand.

There is no resting, you have to explore & kill everything as fast as you can, this is timed. Encounter powers & second winds reset every 20 minutes.

Since there is no resting, everyone gets to roll initiative 5 times and takes the average. If you have powers that improve your initiative please post it to the DM in the 30 minute prep window.

I'm still working on ranking thoughts. Basic ranking will be percentage of healing surges spent & percentage of monsters remaining. Other numbers will be tracked such as finishing blows, damage output, and healing.

This event is team oriented, you may be competing for an overall score but the best way to do this is to help your team mates survive.

Macros must include as much information as possible, meaning the full power should be in here. I highly recommend color coding your macros to tell your at-will, encounter and daily powers apart.

Character Creation
I will be using RPGA rules, though this is not a RPGA sanctioned event, i wish to use their rules because its an established rule system that seems to work. It will be level 5. Backgrounds are not allowed however.

Character Sheets
Everyone should have their 5th level character shared on iplay4e.com make sure you have the link to your character sheet macro'ed as well in case i ask for it again.

For now players will receive a custom TokenTool that shows of their ranking. Sure not the greatest thing in the world but you can use it on twitter or for the next time you play. I am thinking of offering up real pries but I'm not to sure yet. Perhaps there will be a best of month prize.

Character Slots
There are 5 open character slots per game, and 10 view only slots per game. 1 slot for defender, 1 slot for striker, 1 slot for controller, and 1 slot for leader. First come first served, the 5 slot will be chosen randomly after all four primary slots are chosen. I will ask call out "Who is my Defender" and the first player who responds with Name, Class, Roll link to their iplay4e.com will get that. It might be wise to macro it. I will ask for these at random intervals within the first 20 minutes of the 30 minute prep time.

I hope i find some challengers, these games will be tough. If you come in this expecting to die then your going to have more fun. I intend to separate the men from the boys.

Feel free to ask me questions about this on twitter (mleger), hope to see a good turnout on August 29th.

Until next time keep the dice on the table


  1. I'll be in a town about an hour away running RPGA... I might be able to swing it.

  2. Sounds interesting, I'll think about participating. Way to get some time playing again!

    Cheers, Marcus

  3. Whoops, then again, 9 pm est converts to 4 am over here in Germany, so maybe not :(

  4. I think my son and a couple of his friends might want to give this a try. Is that cool?

  5. Um I'm in CST so that means 8pm correct?

  6. @Dar that sounds about right, its a open invite to the community.

  7. Excellent idea. If I'm home I may try and join in. What version of Maptools are you using?

  8. sorry everyone, i thought i hoped it would be seen on my lattest post. i had to cancel due to rebuilding of my laptop

    Scheduled for the 5th, same time, lattest version of maptools.


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