Tuesday, July 21, 2009

You enter a small room with a chest in the middle.

This classic old school game play will bring back memories for players. You can use this room in your dungeons jus
t as a small pit stop. Feel free to use these as plot devices or just a way to kill 20 minutes in your dungeon. I would not recomend using more than one of these per dungon.

Roll on the chart below to see what kind of room it is.
  1. Body
  2. Skeleton
  3. Trap
  4. Key
  5. Invisible
  6. Invisible Teleporting
  7. Water Anyone
  8. Stirges
  9. Nested
  10. a strange note
1 - Body

You enter in a room where there appears to be a corpse laying hunched over a treasure chest. The corpse apears to be long dead

DM: The treasure chest may contain so
mething and may not, however the body is nothing special and is of a long dead adventurer who died completly due to un related means. This will keep your party tied up for a good 20 minutes of roleplay

2 - Skeleton

You enter in a room where there appears to be a corpse laying hunched over a treasure checst. The corps apears to be long dead

DM: Same as #1 but in this case its a skeleton, or some sort of basic undead that is playing posum to trick the PC's. In general let the pc's go to move him and then the undead will attack.

Boneshard Skeleton - use blast
Corruption Corpse
chilborn Zombie - great if this room is in a cave

3 - Trap

You enter in a small 20x20 foot room with a treasure chest in the middle of the room

DM: Use any of the simple traps listed in the DMG, i like electrified floor. put it all around the chest, now the players need to figure out a way to get to it

4 - Key

you enter a room where there appears to be a locked treasure chest in the center of the room. Protruding from the lock is a skeletal hand holding a key.

DM: Something like this is adds flavor to the game, the key can be for something completly diffrent. Players will try to find a trap when there is none. It realy makes them qustion what is going on.

5 - Invisible

You enter a small room, it appears to be empty.

DM: If the players search around they can stumble on a invisible chest. Make any difficulty dealing with it higher than normal

6 - Invisible

You enter in a small room, it appears to be empty. After walking around for a few moments you hit your toe on something, but when you check again there is nothing

DM: the same as room #5, but each time the checks is hit, it teleports to a random square in the room. This will frustrate any player trying to open the lock or see whats inside

7 - Water Anyone

You enter in a small room with a large chest in the middle. Everyone once and a while it appears to shake

DM: Once opened the party finds that the checst is filled with water, there is a paranah swimming around inside. It may be hard to tell.

8 - Stirges

You enter in a small room with a large chest in the middle.

DM: Upon opening the treasure chest, a stirge swarm exits and begins attacking.

9 - Nested

You enter in a small room with a large chest in the middle.

DM: Upon opening the tresure chest, the PC's find yet another smaller treasure chest. Continue to do this until it is just a small locked device. Once the last one is opend place a simple copper peice, or a key to something else. have each one locked and force the players to roll if they want to get it open.

10 - A strange note

You enter in a small room with a large chest in the middle.

DM: once the players open the treasure chest it is empty except for a note written in common.
The not reads "im sorry but your treasure is in another dungeon". The PC's may be slightly annoyed but chuckle and move on.

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