Since we are all DDI members I pointed them to the Jounral feature in the character builder, and explained what core information you should be recording for each session.
1 - Journal
In the DDI Character build, load up your RPGA/LFR character and click on the journal tab. Click to create a new journal entry.
2 - Adventure Name
Enter in the Date you played the adventure, and the name of the adventure. You can collect this information before the game actuly begins.
3 - Notes
- In the notes section, use this to track everything that happened, put in NPC Names.
- If you ended the game without clearing any curses or diseases on you, list it here, you need to start next game with this still on.
- If you gained any story rewards from the adventure list the code here, you can go into more detail but the code is all that is needed.
- Also list any items (magical or mundane) you purchased and list the value.
- List any magic items you've sold during the adventure and the value (20% of cost).
- Ask your DM for the RPGA Event Sanction Number and list it here as well.
- Put in notes if you've leveled up, what you retrained, and what you took at this level. Did you ake a new feat or add +1 to STR & CON? list it here
4 - Region
List the region code for the adventure, if your unsure what the region code is, ask your DM. An example of a region code is BALD for Baldures Gate or AKAN for Akanul. You can collect this information before the game actuly begins
5 - Treasure Package
At the end of the adventure everyone can chose a reward package, list the package that you took and what item you applied it to. For example if you took a +1 flaming weapon, then you need to state you took a +1 flaming longsword if you added it to a longsword. If you took a gold package, just list "Bonus Gold", don't worry about the total
6,7,8 - Experience
Each adventure you need to keep track of your experience, the amount you started the adventure with, the amount you gained at the end of the adventure, and your current total XP
9,10,11 - Gold
Also with each adventure you need to be able to show and record your gold spending. When you begin play write down the total amount of gold you currently have. Keep track of items purchased during the adventure. If you spent more money than gained during the adventure then [10] can actuly be a negative number. Lets say you started with 300 gp, you gained 125, but bought a level 1 magic item for 360. [9] would be 300, [10] would be negative -235, and [11] would be 65.
12 - Level
List the level you are at the end of the adventure.
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