Friday, June 5, 2009

Save Delve Night

Delve Night is a once a month delve released by Wizards of the Coast that is shipped out world wide to players and groups to play in their local stores.

Designed for 4th edition, this event needs to be saved. Even if you do not play 4th edition i urge you to help save this event because its the first of its kind to focus on us.

You can read the news here:

What about Con's

Cons as far as i can tell are great, I've never been to one, but they are not always local

What about Living Games

Living games are great, I've been to a few myself and can be a lot of fun. LivingGames are community driven where the story has a life of its own (hence living games)

Why Delve Nights

Delve nights are great because you don't need to take a big test to be a DM of one, you can just run one. You play locally supporting your gaming store. You get to meet new players and get new ideas. Delve Nights are a great opportunity to introduce new players to the game.

It is also considered a reward system, you go out to these events and wizards gives you a point, you go to enough of them and they send you out some little cool thing every 6 months. Extremely similar to Magic if you ever played.

This in itself is great, a lot of players i know always wanted some thing more for going through and buying all the books, just something small that says thank you.

D&D is about getting together and just running through the dungeon, that's what it was at its core. The Delves brought this back, hey lets play d&d tonight, you didn't need a mass story you didn't need the best characters you just played.

How can I help?

Wolfstar76 recommends replying to the original post and submitting to customer services, so i say send in as much as possible, post your ideas here too. Share this page to help get others, get your gaming group to send in emails as well.

Thank you

Until Next time, keep your dice on the table


  1. Sounds like they are planning something else, not just canceling it.

    BTW, the DM test is extremely easy. You can take it online with your books open!

  2. I think it's making way for the new format which will include prize support. You can check my post on it for more details.


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