Monday, December 7, 2009

Used the forced movement luke

or how i stopped worrying and learned to love the warlock and the wizard.

In our group we have a warlock and a wizard, our group in general works as a team, 90% of their powers are focused on helping one another.

The wizard and the warlock (Richard) have came up with a move called the Dick Maneuver (short for Richard)

In the following examples i show very specific spells, however it is not always like this, both casters tend to have other spells they can use. This battle is against Scallymag, a Large solo troll.

Wizard goes first
Casts Stormage
Initial Damage = 4d6

Wizard spends action point
Casts ray of frost to slow target

Warlock Goes
Casts Hungar of Hardar
No Initial damage on target

Warlock spends Action point
Casts Diabolic Grasp
2d8 damage
Moves Target 7 squares (infernal pact)

Warlock Move 1
Target moves into Hunger Zone
Takes 2d10 for damaging

Warlock move 2
Target Moves into Stormage
Takes 10 damage

Warlock Move 3
Target moves into Hunger Zone
Takes 2d10 for damaging

Warlock move 4
Target Moves into Stormage
Takes 10 damage

Warlock Move 5
Target moves into Hunger Zone
Takes 2d10 for damaging

Warlock move 6
Target Moves into Stormage
Takes 10 damage

Warlock Move 7
Target moves into Hunger Zone
Takes 2d10 for damaging

No matter how far the target moves here (slowed), next turn the warlock casts harrow storm, to do 2d10 and slides the target 11 squares to repeat the process.

Total Round 1 damage
Stormcage = 4d6 + 30
Hunger = 8d10 damage
Ray of frost = 1d6 damage
Diabolic Grasp = 2d8

Round 2 adition
Stormcage = 70 (initial 10 for target starting next to wall)
Hunger = 10d10 damage
Harrowstorm = 2d10 damage

Grand Total 2 rounds damage: 5d6 + 2d8 + 20d10 + 100 damage

Now before i get people saying well yeah but they can only do this once a day. No there are more powers that the players use to dish out this kind of damage.

This is just an example to show the power of forced movement and zones.

I believe this is just another reason to show why solo's are a bad idea, because they are limited to the amount of actions they can take vs a well equipped and team oriented party.


  1. My personal house rule is that you can only benefit or suffer from an effect once per action.

  2. Well, under the How to Read a Power section in the PHB, the rules state that some powers create terrain effects. This would be a good example of Hindering Terrain and therefore the victim gets a save before entering the square where he's going to take damage...if he succeeds he falls prone before entering that square.

  3. Still, very creative, and I think the critique of solo's is still valid.


  4. @Dean
    It does create a terrain, however because its a summoned effect there is no save. If it was a natural fire there would be.


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