Monday, July 27, 2009

Minion Mondays: Cackling Fiend

The Cackling Fiend is a feirce minion that can add chaos and confusion to any battlefield. The idea behind the cackling fiend was rather simple. I wanted a disposable creature who could reshape the battle field and also basicaly be a plague carrier. Its Echoing laughter affects all those around it and is a carrier of the Cackle Fever

The Cackling Fiend is a basic run of the mill minion, however it also has a bite attack to help pass on the Cackle Fever (Page 49, DMG). When the creature dies it performes its corpse burst which basicaly creates a zone covering 9 squares on the field. Any creature who moves through the zone or starts its turn in the zone is subject to an attack from the zone.

This allows the Cackling Fiend to continue to try and pass the disease long after its dead.

The aura might be too much, but at paragon a -1 isn't that much. It might be worh droping just to be easier for DM's to use.

Please let me know what you think about this minion in the comments.

Until next time keep your dice on the table.

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